Czech Marble Federation

World Marbles Championship

Marble Game Rules

These official Rules of marble game will be applied to World Marble Championship.

1. Game varieties:

1.1 All varieties of the game have the same rules. There is only differ in the number of marbles used by each player during the game.

1.2 Classical game will be played - each player plays with 10 marbles.

1.3 Short game - each player plays with 5 marbles.

1.4 Extremely short game - each player plays with 2 marbles.

1.5 Extended game - each player plays with 15 marbles.

1.6 Extremely extended game - each player plays with more then 20 marbles. There is no limit to the number of marbles in extremely extended game.

2. Marble properties:

2.1 Both players have to use different color of marbles to eliminate confusion.

2.2 In the case that both players want to use the same color of marbles, the dispute is resolved as follows: Both players throw one marble in direction of the hole. The player, whose marble is closer to the hole, has the right to continue with his chosen color. The opponent has to choose a different color marbles.

2.3 The marbles should be made from any non-metal material and should be no greater than 16,5 mm in diameter. The referees are allowed to check abidance by these rules.

2.4 Each player may shoot with his marbles only. It is allowed to shoot own marble into opponent's to change their position or shoot own marbles in such a way as to create obstruction to opponent’s marbles.

2.5 The playing ground should be arranged both horizontally and vertically as evenly as possible. The throwing line is 7.5 m long from the center of the hole. The hole has to be 9 - 11 cm in diameter and minimum of 5 cm deep. There must be at least 2 m of free space behind the hole. The hole must be round.

The game:

3.1 The game begins by throwing one marble and aiming it into the hole. The player, whose marble is in or closer to the hole, starts the odd games by throwing all his marbles in direction of the hole. His opponent starts the even games.

3.2 In case that marbles of both players end in the same distance from the hole or both fall into the hole or one marble touches other, the players throw again. In this case the players throw in opposite order. Players have the right to ask a referee for measuring of the distance between the hole and marbles. The distance is measured from the nearest hole’s border to the nearest part of the marble.

3.3 The marbles that were used to decide who starts throwing first are then picked up to be used with the other marbles.

3.4 The player who is throwing the marbles:

  • has to stand with his feet behind the throwing line
  • throws all of his marbles, set up by the given game, and tries to throw them into the hole.
  • In case a marble is dropped by mistake in front of the throwing line, player is allowed to pick it up and throw it again.

    3.5 Opposing player whose turn is not up must stand at least 0.6M away from the other player and must stand in such a way as not to obstruct the movement of marbles.

    3.6 When finished with throwing all marbles, players continue the game by shooting marbles in direction of the hole. Shooting means movement of one finger of one hand thus one finger is in contact with one own marble. It is not allowed to touch 2 or more marbles at the same time. It is allowed to shoot with own marble into any other marble including opponent's marbles.

    3.7 Players are alternating in the game after each shot with no consequence if the marble falls into the hole or not. Should the player while shooting touch opponents marble by any part of his body and in a such way that it changes its position both marbles are placed back and the player shoots again.

    3.8 The shooting part of the game starts when both players have thrown all their marbles.

  • Player with more marbles in the hole takes first turn to shoot.
  • In case both players have the same number of marbles in the hole the player who has his marble closer to the hole takes first turn to shoot. If the closest marbles of both players are in the same distance from the hole then it is decided by the second closest marble etc. Players have the right to ask referee for measuring the distance and his ruling. The distance is measured from nearest hole border to the nearest part of the marble.
  • 3.9 The player who puts all his marbles in the hole first and at least one opponent's marble remains outside the hole becomes the winner of the game. In case that both players have all their marbles in the hole the result of this game is a draw and the game is played again (the score remains the same as before this game).

    3.10 The winner of the match is the player who has won given number of games.

    3.11 In case the player moves a marble by mistake, this marble is moved back to its previous position. If it isn’t known exactly where the marble was positioned, this dispute it is resolved as follows:

  • if the marble belongs to the player who caused the marble to move he must put the marble on the throwing line and shoot this marble when it is his turn to shoot.
  • if the marble belongs to the opponent, as soon as it is his turn to play, he throws this marble from the throwing line again and continues by shooting this or any marble.
  • If somebody else (e. g. bystander or dog) moves some marbles these marbles are put back to their previous positions. If nobody knows previous position of the marble, displaced marble is thrown from the throwing line.

    3.12 In case that marble is in extremely bad position, player is allowed to put any of his own marbles on the throwing line and continue shooting from there.

    3.13 In case that player can't find some of his marbles during the game he can substitute one by putting it on the throwing line and continue shooting from there.

    3.14 In case any player has more marbles on the ground than its allowed by the tournament rules and no one knows which marbles are the redundant ones, it is resolved as follows:

  • if the player finds redundant marble during the game the player may pickup from the ground anyone of his marbles
  • if the player finds redundant marble after the game he won, he is the winner of the game
  • if the player finds redundant marble after the game he lost and has outside the hole at least 2 more marbles then is the number of redundant marbles, the winner of the game is his opponent
  • if the player finds the redundant marble after the game he lost and has outside the hole max. 1 more marble then is the number of redundant marbles, the game is played again.
  • If it is possible to identify the redundant marble it is removed from the ground.

    3.15 If one of the players has thrown less marbles then he should have and the error is dicovered after the first shot is made, he puts the rest of the missing marble(s) on the throwing line and shoots from this position when it is his turn to play one marble at each of his turns.

    3.16 The player who lost the game is not allowed to collect his marbles from the ground until the winner confirms that all his marbles are in the hole. If the marbles are picked up before this confirmation and it is dicovered that his opponent has some marble(s) outside the hole all marbles are put back to their previous place and game continues. In case the previous position of marbles can’t be determined they are put on the throwing line and shot from there as players alternate their turns. In situation where the winner confirms that all of his marbles are in the hole and later is discovered that it is not so all marbles are placed back on the ground to their previous position. In case that that positions is not known it is resolved as follows:

  • the player who by mistake confirmed that all his marbles are in the hole puts his remaining marble(s) on the throwing line and shoots from this position at the time of his turn
  • his opponent throws his marble(s) from the throwing line and then it is continued as a regular game.
  • 3.17 After the match both players are required to make sure there are no marbles on the ground.

    3.18 Player is allowed to smoke during the game only with the permission of his opponent.

    Any questions or disputes will be resolved by the board of referees.
    Please understand, when referring to a player, it is assuming female or male player.
    Thank You

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